Table of contents

  1. Python - Extract Item with Maximum Tuple Value
  2. Python - Extract Maximum Keys’ value dictionaries
  3. Python | Get key with maximum value in Dictionary
  4. Python - Maximum available value Dictionaries

Python - Extract Item with Maximum Tuple Value

If you have a list of tuples and you want to extract the tuple with the maximum value for a specific index, you can use Python's built-in max() function along with a key function.

Here's an example:

Let's say we have a list of tuples that represent (name, age):

people = [('Alice', 30), ('Bob', 25), ('Charlie', 35), ('David', 28)]

To extract the tuple with the maximum age (i.e., the second element in each tuple):

oldest_person = max(people, key=lambda x: x[1])
print(oldest_person)  # Expected output: ('Charlie', 35)

The key function specifies a function of one argument that is used to extract a comparison key from each input element. In this case, we are using a lambda function to extract the second element from each tuple.

If you want to extract the tuple based on some other index, just change the index in the lambda function.

Python - Extract Maximum Keys’ value dictionaries

In this tutorial, we'll learn how to extract dictionaries that have the maximum value for a specified key from a list of dictionaries.


Given a list of dictionaries dict_list and a key key_name, extract those dictionaries which have the maximum value for the specified key.


  1. Find the maximum value for the given key across all dictionaries in the list.
  2. Iterate through the list of dictionaries.
  3. Extract the dictionaries that have the value for the specified key equal to the previously found maximum value.


def extract_max_key_value_dicts(dict_list, key_name):
    Extract dictionaries with the maximum value for the specified key.
    # Find the maximum value for the given key across all dictionaries
    max_value = max(d[key_name] for d in dict_list if key_name in d)
    # Use list comprehension to extract desired dictionaries
    return [d for d in dict_list if d.get(key_name) == max_value]

# Example
dict_list = [
    {'id': 1, 'score': 85},
    {'id': 2, 'score': 90},
    {'id': 3, 'score': 78},
    {'id': 4, 'score': 90},
    {'id': 5, 'score': 86}
key_name = 'score'

print(extract_max_key_value_dicts(dict_list, key_name))  
# Output: [{'id': 2, 'score': 90}, {'id': 4, 'score': 90}]

In the example above:

  • For the list of dictionaries dict_list and key_name='score', the dictionaries with 'id' 2 and 4 both have the maximum score of 90.

Additional Notes:

  1. The function uses list comprehension to concisely iterate over the list of dictionaries and apply the condition.

  2. We use the built-in Python function max() with a generator expression to find the maximum value of the specified key across all dictionaries. The condition key_name in d ensures that we only look at dictionaries that contain the specified key.

  3. The d.get(key_name) method retrieves the value of the specified key in the dictionary, and if the key doesn't exist, it returns None by default. This prevents potential KeyError issues.

  4. It's assumed that there's at least one dictionary in the list containing the key. If this might not be the case, consider adding error handling or conditions to check the length of the list and the presence of the key in the dictionaries.

Python | Get key with maximum value in Dictionary

To get the key associated with the maximum value in a dictionary, you can use the max function along with a lambda function for the key argument.

Here's how you can do this:

def get_key_with_max_val(dictionary):
    return max(dictionary, key=dictionary.get)

# Example
data = {
    'a': 10,
    'b': 25,
    'c': 7

print(get_key_with_max_val(data))  # Outputs: 'b'

In this example, max(dictionary, key=dictionary.get) will return the key associated with the highest value in the dictionary. The dictionary.get function returns the value for a given key, and the key argument of the max function allows us to specify a custom function (in this case, dictionary.get) to determine the maximum value.

Python - Maximum available value Dictionaries

Let's dive into a tutorial about how to find the maximum available value across multiple dictionaries.

Problem Statement:

Given a list of dictionaries, we need to determine the maximum value available across all these dictionaries, assuming they might have overlapping keys.


dicts = [{"a": 5, "b": 7}, 
         {"a": 6, "c": 8}, 
         {"d": 2, "e": 10}]

Maximum Value: 10

Step-by-Step Solution:

  1. Iterate Over Each Dictionary: Use a for loop to traverse each dictionary in the list.
  2. Extract Values from Dictionary: Use the .values() method to obtain all the values from the current dictionary.
  3. Find the Maximum Value in Current Dictionary: Use Python's built-in max function to find the maximum value from the current dictionary.
  4. Compare and Update Global Maximum: Keep track of the maximum value found so far and update it if the current dictionary's maximum is higher.
  5. Repeat for All Dictionaries.

Here's the Python code to implement this:

def find_maximum_value(dicts):
    # Initialize a variable to keep track of the maximum value
    # Start with negative infinity to ensure any number from the dictionaries will be larger
    global_max = float('-inf')
    # Step 1: Iterate over each dictionary
    for d in dicts:
        # Step 2 and 3: Extract values and find the maximum value in the current dictionary
        current_max = max(d.values())
        # Step 4: Compare and update the global maximum
        if current_max > global_max:
            global_max = current_max

    # Return the maximum value found across all dictionaries
    return global_max

# Test
dicts = [{"a": 5, "b": 7}, 
         {"a": 6, "c": 8}, 
         {"d": 2, "e": 10}]
print("Maximum Value:", find_maximum_value(dicts))
# Expected Output: Maximum Value: 10


For the list dicts:

  1. The first dictionary {"a": 5, "b": 7} has a maximum value of 7.
  2. The second dictionary {"a": 6, "c": 8} has a maximum value of 8.
  3. The third dictionary {"d": 2, "e": 10} has a maximum value of 10.

Considering all dictionaries, the global maximum value is 10.

This tutorial should help you understand how to find the maximum value available across multiple dictionaries in Python!

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