Table of contents

  1. Getting mail attachment to python file object
  2. Converting a YAML file to JSON object in Python
  3. Python, writing Json to file
  4. How to convert PDF file to Excel file using Python?
  5. Python append to a file

Getting mail attachment to python file object

To get a mail attachment as a Python file object, you can use the email and imaplib libraries for handling email messages and IMAP communication. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this:

  1. Install the required libraries if you haven't already:

    pip install imaplib
  2. Use the following Python code to fetch an email attachment and create a file object:

    import imaplib
    import email
    from email.header import decode_header
    # IMAP server and login details
    imap_server = ''  # Replace with your IMAP server
    email_address = '[email protected]'
    password = 'your_password'
    # Connect to the IMAP server
    mail = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(imap_server)
    mail.login(email_address, password)
    # Select the mailbox containing the email with the attachment
    mailbox = 'INBOX'  # Replace with the desired mailbox name
    # Search for the email containing the attachment
    # You can use different search criteria to find the specific email
    # Here, we're searching for an email with a specific subject
    search_criteria = '(SUBJECT "Your Email Subject")'
    _, email_ids =, search_criteria)
    # Get the email ID of the first matching email (if found)
    email_id = email_ids[0].split()[0] if email_ids[0] else None
    if email_id:
        # Fetch the email message
        _, email_data = mail.fetch(email_id, '(RFC822)')
        # Parse the email message
        msg = email.message_from_bytes(email_data[0][1])
        # Iterate through email parts to find and extract attachments
        for part in msg.walk():
            if part.get_content_maintype() == 'application' and part.get('Content-Disposition'):
                filename = decode_header(part.get_filename())[0][0]
                if filename:
                    filename = filename.decode('utf-8')
                    filename = 'attachment'
                # Create a file object and write attachment data to it
                with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
    # Close the mailbox and logout from the IMAP server

    In this code:

    • Replace '', '[email protected]', 'your_password', and 'Your Email Subject' with your IMAP server details, email address, password, and the subject of the email containing the attachment.

    • Modify the search_criteria variable to search for the specific email containing the attachment based on your criteria (e.g., subject, sender, date, etc.).

    • The code searches for the email, extracts the attachment, and saves it to a file in the current working directory with the original filename.

Make sure to handle any exceptions and errors that may occur during the process, such as authentication errors or missing attachments.

Converting a YAML file to JSON object in Python

To convert a YAML file to a JSON object in Python, you can use the pyyaml library to parse the YAML data and then use the json library to convert the parsed data to a JSON object. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Install Required Libraries:

    If you haven't already, install the pyyaml library to parse YAML data and the json library to work with JSON:

    pip install pyyaml
  2. Convert YAML to JSON:

    Here's an example of how to convert a YAML file to a JSON object:

    import json
    import yaml
    # Load YAML data from a file
    with open('input.yaml', 'r') as yaml_file:
        yaml_data = yaml.safe_load(yaml_file)
    # Convert YAML data to JSON format
    json_data = json.dumps(yaml_data, indent=4)
    # Save the JSON data to a file
    with open('output.json', 'w') as json_file:

    Replace 'input.yaml' with the path to your input YAML file and 'output.json' with the desired filename for the output JSON file.

  3. Verify the JSON Output:

    After running the script, the output.json file will contain the JSON representation of the YAML data.

This script reads the YAML data from the input file using the yaml.safe_load() function, converts it to a JSON-formatted string using json.dumps(), and then writes the JSON data to an output file.

Remember that this method works well for simple YAML-to-JSON conversions. If your YAML data contains complex structures or special data types, you might need to handle the conversion more carefully and ensure that the converted JSON structure represents the original data accurately.

Python, writing Json to file

You can write JSON data to a file in Python using the json module. Here's how you can do it:

import json

# Sample JSON data (a Python dictionary)
data = {
    "name": "John",
    "age": 30,
    "city": "New York"

# Specify the file path where you want to save the JSON data
file_path = "data.json"

# Write the JSON data to the file
with open(file_path, "w") as json_file:
    json.dump(data, json_file)

print(f"JSON data has been written to '{file_path}'")

In this example:

  1. We import the json module.

  2. We define a Python dictionary data containing the JSON data that you want to write to the file.

  3. We specify the file path where you want to save the JSON data in the file_path variable.

  4. We use a with statement to open the file in write mode ("w"). The open function returns a file object that we can use to write data to the file.

  5. We use the json.dump() method to write the JSON data from the data dictionary to the file. The json.dump() method serializes the data and writes it to the file in JSON format.

  6. Finally, we close the file automatically when the with block exits.

After running this code, you will have the JSON data saved in the specified file at the file_path. You can customize the data dictionary with your own JSON data, and you can change the file_path to specify the location where you want to save the JSON file.

How to convert PDF file to Excel file using Python?

To convert a PDF to an Excel file using Python, you can use the combination of two libraries: PyPDF2 to read the PDF and openpyxl or pandas to write to an Excel file. The conversion might not be perfect since PDFs don't have a standard structure, and the result might require some manual adjustments.

Here's a simple method using PyPDF2 and pandas:

  • First, install the necessary packages:
pip install PyPDF2 pandas
  • Then, use the following code to convert the PDF to Excel:
import PyPDF2
import pandas as pd

# Extract text from PDF
def extract_text_from_pdf(pdf_path):
    with open(pdf_path, 'rb') as file:
        reader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(file)
        text = ''
        for page_num in range(reader.numPages):
            text += reader.getPage(page_num).extractText()
    return text

# Convert the extracted text to Excel (this assumes the PDF has tabular data)
def convert_text_to_excel(text, excel_path):
    # Splitting the text by lines and then by whitespace to get data in tabular form
    # This approach may require adjustments based on the specific structure of your PDF
    data = [line.split() for line in text.split('\n') if line]
    df = pd.DataFrame(data)
    df.to_excel(excel_path, index=False, header=False)

pdf_path = 'path_to_pdf_file.pdf'
excel_path = 'path_to_output_excel_file.xlsx'

text = extract_text_from_pdf(pdf_path)
convert_text_to_excel(text, excel_path)

However, keep in mind that the quality of the conversion will vary depending on the structure and complexity of the PDF. PDFs with complex layouts, merged cells, or non-tabular data might not convert accurately. For high-quality conversions, especially for complex documents, you might want to consider specialized tools or services.

Python append to a file

Appending to a file in Python is straightforward using the built-in open function. When you use the 'a' mode with the open function, it allows you to append to the end of the file without overwriting its current content.

Here's how you can append to a file:

with open('filename.txt', 'a') as file:
    file.write('This will be appended to the end of the file.\n')

Let's break down the above code:

  1. open('filename.txt', 'a'): This opens the file named filename.txt in append mode. If the file doesn't exist, it will be created. If it does exist, the file pointer is positioned at the end of the file, so anything you write is appended.

  2. with ... as ...: This is a context manager that ensures the file is properly closed after its suite finishes, even if an error occurs.

  3. file.write(...): This writes the specified text to the file.

Here's a practical example where you append multiple lines to a file:

lines_to_append = ['Line 1\n', 'Line 2\n', 'Line 3\n']

with open('filename.txt', 'a') as file:
    for line in lines_to_append:

This will append the three lines from the lines_to_append list to the end of filename.txt.

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